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最新張貼時間 2015-10-23 02:41:32 Peter Lin. 7 回覆.
 New Member Posts:6
2015-10-20 03:36:58 |
安裝Windows Imaging Component〈WIC〉時出現下面的錯誤訊息 請問要如何排除這個問題? 謝謝 |
Peter Lin
 New Member Posts:54
2015-10-21 01:03:08 |
從錯誤訊息來看,您應該是在Windows XP 安裝Power Designer DB所致,請執行Windows Power Shell 1.0目錄下找到符合您作業系統的WPS安裝程式,詳細說明請參閱安裝手冊 常見問題之4。安裝完畢後,再重新安裝Power Designer DB即可! PS.因為我們無法將WIC和WPS元件包在安裝程式一併安裝,如果作業系統未包含該元件。 |
 New Member Posts:6
2015-10-21 06:33:48 |
還是裝不起來,訊息如下  |
Peter Lin
 New Member Posts:54
2015-10-21 09:03:57 |
我們找到安裝錯誤的原因,這是因為SQL Server 2008 R2無法安裝在壓縮磁碟上,已驗證OK!詳細說明請參閱下列網址: http://blogs.iis.net/richma/troubleshooting-sql-server-2008-express-installations-with-webpi-part-1 節錄如下: ERROR : Attributes do not match. Present attributes.. This can occur when you try to install SQL on a Drive with either Compression, Encryption or the Archive bit set. This error will be found in the SQL log Summary.txt . Final result: SQL Server installation failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, uninstall SQL Server, and then rerun SQL Server Setup. Exit code (Decimal): -2068578304 Exit facility code: 1204 Exit error code: 0 Exit message: Attributes do not match. Present attributes (Directory, Compressed) , included attributes (0), excluded attributes (Compressed, Encrypted). Resolution The work around for this error is documented in KB957453 which describes this problem when the archive bit is set on the installation directory. This can also occur when Compression or or Encryption is enabled on the drive , which will be C:\ if using WebPI to install SQL. Following the workaround section of KB957453 disable the following settings on the drive. - Folder is ready for archiving - Compress contents to save disk space - Encrypt contents to save disk space |
Peter Lin
 New Member Posts:54
2015-10-21 09:12:07 |
不好意思,看起來SQL Server 2008 R2應該沒裝好,可否提供Setup log 給我研究研究,謝謝! 該檔位於C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\Summary.txt |
Peter Lin
 New Member Posts:54
2015-10-22 02:01:47 |
目前看來最簡單的方式就是將隨VS 2010安裝的SQL Server 2008 Express移除,然後再安裝Power Desinger DB即可<< 已驗證無誤! 請開啟控制台/程式和功能,然後執行移除安裝/變更 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (64bit) ,記得全選所有功能 - SQLExpress和共用功能 PS.因為執行Power Designer DB安裝SQL Server 2008 R2 Express所使用的Instance Name也是MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS,造成名稱衝突! |
 New Member Posts:6
2015-10-22 09:07:27 |
安裝好了,但執行時出現下列錯誤訊息  |
Peter Lin
 New Member Posts:54
2015-10-23 02:41:32 |
請參考常見問題之使用 Q3、執行Power Designer AP時,若出現下列錯誤:USB Key:Terminal Service Detected 謝謝! |
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